Meditation Promotes Neurogenesis
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Meditation vibrates the chakras together to cleanse the soul and promote neurogenesis – neurogenesis is the growth of new brain cells.
Chakras are the lenses into reality.
Meditation Promotes Neurogenesis
Meditation focuses on the centers of energy, located as part of the subtle body, not the physical one.
Such are the meeting points of the subtle energy channels called nadiis.
Nadiis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force or binding energy (non-physical) moves.
According to the tantric texts, there are many chakras in the subtle human body, but seven are essential.
The lower part of our body is our instinctual side, our mental awareness side’s highest.
The earliest mentions of chakras are located in the Vedas (1700 BCE – 1100 BCE).
Breathing channels (nāḍis) of yogic practices had been discussed in the classical Upanishads, and during the eighth-century Buddhist Hevajra Tantra and Caryāgiti, hierarchies of chakras were introduced.
The chakras can have multiple levels of action.
However, when they’re “open,” they’re considered usable in a typical fashion—the concept of chakra features in meditation, yogic and tantric traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism.
Exquisitely, all chakras would share with our being.
Our instincts would work as oneness with our thoughts and feeling. But unfortunately, this is usually not the case.
Few are not open enough (being below-active), and other chakras are over-active to reimburse.
There are tons of techniques to balance the chakras. But, of course, meditation works best – take a break and meditate!.
It makes zero sense to make over-active chakras less active, as they are making up for other chakras.
To restore the compensation, they’d be over-active again in no time at all.
To help stop them from compensating, the others must be opened.
Here are some effective techniques to help one achieve this:
- Being out in the sun, sunlight is the highest light energy, greatly helping restore all chakras.
- Eating foods that correspond with the chakras, such as bananas, can uplift your chakra.
- Wearing colours resonant with a specific chakra or chakras. Wear blue to boost your communication chakra, for example.
- Use food colouring in a bath to power up a specific chakra.
- Find a knowledgeable Riki master – like my friend Brit or my Aunt Simone.
Activate them by meditation!
Chakras correspond with the rainbow spectrum, each colour has its vibration, and each has its frequency.

Here’s a brief description of each one, along with their names and colours, starting from the bottom and working the way up:
1. The Muladhara or Survival or Root Chakra (Red)
A lotus symbolizes it with four petals and the colour red.
It’s connected to the adrenal gland, located at the base of the coccyges region’s spine.
This chakra deals with fear and survival.
The most incredible way to conquer your fears within this chakra is to come face-to-face with them.
So if you’re ever feeling nervous or scared, try and wear more red.
Another great trick is to surround yourself with crystals that represent the vibrations of the survival chakra.
Some of these crystals are hematite (grounding and stabilizing), red jasper (activating), and black tourmaline (protective and healing).
Meditating on your fear and recognizing that it is primarily in your mind are distinctive ways to face them.
2. The Svadhishthana or Sacral or Sexuality Chakra (Orange)
A white lotus symbolizes it within a crescent moon, with six vermilions or orange petals.
This chakra is connected to the gonad, located in the sacrum, the 2nd from the bottom from the meditation position.
It corresponds to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle.
Strongly linked with relationships, blame and guilt, we need to be open and honest in our relationships if we want to fix our blocks with this chakra actively.
Using the following crystals can help heal this chakra, orange calcite (cleansing and activating), moonstone (balancing), and leopard skin jasper (protecting) are crystals linked with this energy.
Meditation on the sacral chakra aims to dig deep into what’s bothering you in your relationships.
Figure out what you need to be true to yourself and be more mindful of others.
If you feel something is wrong, it’s usually connected to this chakra, so meditate on it today!
3. The Manipura or Solar Plex or Power Chakra (Yellow)
It’s symbolized by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals, along with the colour yellow.
This chakra is related to the metabolic and digestive systems linked to the pancreas.
It is associated with confidence, pride and the ego.
Therefore, we need to be aware of our deep motivations for doing the things we do.
With balance and meditation, we will be confident in empowering others to be their best.
Here are some crystals to power up this chakra; citrine (cleansing), sunstone (activating), and tiger’s eye (balancing and healing.)
If you choose to meditate to open the power chakra, picture yourself making that decision or taking the intuitive you would like to accomplish. Imagine yourself speaking and acting with confidence.
Fantasize the positive feeling that comes from meditation.
Hold this moment and visualize feeling the emotions in your body.
4. The Anahata or Heart or Love Chakra (Green)
A circular flower symbolizes it with twelve green petals called the heart-mind.
Two intersecting triangles form a hexagram, symbolizing the male and female union.
This chakra is connected to the thymus gland, linked to love in the chest.
Love and understanding of others, caring for pets, and healing earth is linked to this chakra.
Learning to serve and be selfless truly is the key when meditating.
Crystals to open up the love chakra are emerald (opening), rose quartz (healing and space), and jade (balancing).
When you meditate on love, recognize that everyone and everything is connected.
5. The Vishudda or Communication or Throat Chakra (Blue)
It’s depicted as a silver crescent within a white circle, with 16 light or pale blue or turquoise petals.
The throat chakra is connected to the thyroid gland, relating to communication and growth through expression.
Crystals associated with this chakra are aqua aura (activating and balancing), blue tiger’s eye (soothing), and turquoise (stimulating and balancing).
Under meditation on this chakra, ask yourself if you have said things that have hurt others.
Also, focus on things you may not have said that you need to express yourself.
6. The Anja or Intuition or the Third-Eye Chakra (Indigo)
It’s symbolized by a lotus with two petals and corresponds to the colours violet, indigo or deep blue, though it is traditionally described as white.
It’s directly connected to the pineal gland; the pineal gland is a light-sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the sleep and awakening state, and is also is responsible for the production site of the psychedelic dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the only known hallucinogen endogenous to the human body.
Some crystals that can be used with this chakra are amethyst (opening, balancing and stimulating), moldavite (clearing, opening and activating), and indigo aura (stimulating).
When meditating on this chakra, focus on oneness, recognizing that we all come from the same source.
We must open our minds and listen to the truth, even if it is hard to understand.
7. The Sahasrara or Crown or Spirituality Chakra (Purple or White)
It is generally considered the state of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject.
It’s connected to the pituitary gland.
This chakra is where our inspiration and guidance come from.
Once one finds balance within the crown chakra, we can control our thoughts, find balance and be aware of our life’s purpose.
Crystals that represent this chakra are clear quartz (clearing, aligning, balancing and activating selenite (balancing), and clear topaz (starting).
Meditation on this chakra, you should know that your attachments here on earth are the biggest block.
Not only do material things create a block, but ideas can as well.