Psychedelic Therapy Has an 80% Success Rate
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Psychedelic Therapy Has an 80% Success Rate at curing addiction, depression, anxiety, and many other mental health issues.
In the late 1960’s James Fadiman, a psychologist did an experiment involving psychedelic therapy.
Psychedelic Therapy Has an 80% Success Rate
He took 48 people who were either scientists, architects, doctors of all sorts that we were working on something within their field that hadn’t been yet figured out with a patent, product, math or science problem, or a publication.
Some people had been working on their complications for over 20 years.
Then, finally, after one LSD therapy session: 44 of the 48 people figured out their problems.
Psychedelic Therapy can cure addiction, depression, anxiety, autism, PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and many other possibilities.
I was nearing the end of 2016; my intro psychology class was one of my last classes. In that class, we were talking about my favourite topic: drugs.
At the end of the course, my teacher warned people not to do psilocybin mushrooms because she claimed it would make their brains bleed. This couldn’t be further away from the truth.
Magic mushrooms have been shown to expand the mind by growing and re-growing brain cells literally.
I stayed a half-hour after class, referencing the many studies showing that psychedelics have cured depression, anxiety, many types of addictions, and other mental health issues.

Psychedelic Therapy Under fMRI Machines
Like the most effective therapies, people under the influence of psychedelics were put into an fMRI machine to scan their brains.
It showed that both their conscious and unconscious mind were blended, lighting up all parts of the brain.
It was like the awakening, and the REM sleep brain worked together.
Psychedelic Therapy is similar to Eye Movement Desterilization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY), or people under hypnosis. They mesh your conscious and unconscious awareness together to help you get over whatever you are dealing with, and you don’t know what is bothering them as it has been stuck in your unconscious mind.
Ram Dass, formerly known as Richard Alpert, who stop being a professor along with Timothy Leary (remember from 1967 “Turn on, tune in, drop out?”), gave his Guru 600 micrograms Masha Riri who never had taken a psychedelic prior, asked for the most significant dose Ram Dass would give him, and Masha Riri began to go crazy, yelling and making all sorts of weird jesters as Ram Dass started freaking out thinking oh my God!
What have I done to my Guru! Then Riri began laughing, as it was all a big joke, and it didn’t affect him whatsoever.
Psychedelics influenced AA
The co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Bill Wilson, is the non-profit support group for alcoholics and other substance abusers looking for addiction therapy.
AA itself helped cure Bill’s alcoholism in 1939. But, he still had debilitating depression, which almost drove him to suicide until the early 1950s.
Finally, his one-night set-up by his father and the late great Aldous Huxley at the Veterans Administration hospital in Los Angeles cured his depression through psychedelic therapy (back then, it was legal).
Under Dr. Sidney Cohen’s supervision with Gerald Heard, a trusted spiritual mentor, as his guide, Bill had his first Experience with LSD on August 29, 1956.
After that time, Bill made it his goal to make LSD the 13th and final step of the Alcoholics Anonymous AA 12-step program.
He was quickly thrown out of AA, the fucking non-profit he started!
Finally, he recognized that Alcoholics Anonymous AA ignores the trauma side of things, which causes the addiction in the 1st place.
Bill Wilson saw the potential for LSD to be used as psychedelic therapy for an addiction cure.
Would you take a pill that worked 80% or 20% of the time?
Medicine was once viewed as what you were eating.
So people treated everything they put in their bodies as medicine.
All of the drugs in your medicine cabinet could kill you if you take enough.
Hell, water could kill you if you drank too much of it.

Psychedelic Therapy has No LD 50 Rate
Psychedelics have no LD 50 rate, meaning lethal doses for 50% of the human population.
Entheogens can’t and will never kill you unless you jump out a 10-story window high on LSD.
A mouse tries cocaine in a water bottle, and every time they will do it repeatedly until it overdoses and dies.
Likewise, a mouse tries LSD in a water bottle once and never does it again.
Those are just some of the over 100 therapies psychotherapists offer nowadays, and psychedelic therapy may be the best.
Psychedelics instantly bring it out of you, especially those guided through their session, working well as addiction therapy.
When people have a bad trip, they fail to recognize that their unconscious mind is trying to tell them something, and the more you ignore it, the worse the trip gets—some feel like there are about to die.
That professor in the next class retracted her statement and now teaches her course the healing power of these beautiful substances.
Thanks to one of my heroes: Alexander Shulgin, in the late 1970’s re-synthesized MDMA and said to many psychotherapists throughout the states that maybe you guys should look into this drug used with a guided psychotherapy session.
Shulgin tried a new psychedelic every week for over 50 years until his death at 88-years-old.
Psychedelic Therapy to Treat Mental Illness
He banked enough psychedelic drugs that he could easily replace all pharmaceutical drugs we use today, and they would be way better for us, with a lot fewer side effects.
We haven’t had much going on with pharmaceuticals since the early 90’s to help treat these mental illnesses.
So even the FDA is getting desperate to help treat the millions of people suffering worldwide. In the Pineal gland in mice, they found it produced DMT. Likewise, when dreaming, the brain makes DMT in humans.
DMT is also grown throughout the body and nature. Some cultures now exist, and many don’t use psychedelics recreationally before us.
They use it once a year, and if people use it outside of that, they are punished. So DMT and psychedelic therapy have the potential to work well for addiction.
On behalf of such humanitarians as Sasha Shulgin, Terrance Mckenna, Bill Wilson, Albert Hoffman, and Dr. Humphrey Osman (Saskatchewan LSD researcher curing Schizophrenia with LSD who coined the term Psychedelic with Aldus Huxley).
Your work was not forgotten, and you were all correct when you knew psychedelics would be the only thing to save consciousness one day.
“There are two great beings who invented psychedelics: God and Sasha Shulgin.” — James Fadiman.

Thank you for a great read!
The research being done in the area of Psychedelics is indeed promising.
We, at M2Bio Sciences (, are also making progress as we speak! It’s only a matter of time when the benefits are recognised worldwide.
Cheers to a better future!
Reach out to me on if you want to get in touch with like-minded people!
Thanks! I have read over what you guys are doing, and I will add your info to this article and add to future articles as well; what you guys are doing will save many lives.