Mental Health Crises: Cure Mental Health Socially
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The Mental Health Crisis is a more significant epidemic than COVID. Still, there are ways to counteract your mental health by being socially active within your community, school, and in your vehicle and home.
In the 1950’s it was not uncommon for a 50-year-old male to die of a heart attack. During that time, it was the leading cause of death throughout the ’50s.
Cure Mental Health Socially
To be more specific, in all of North America, the leading cause of death was heart attack with the not-so-well-known town in Pennsylvania named Roseto as the rest of the continent was cutting out all fats, salts and cholesterol from their diets, at the same time, these same people were getting put on cholesterol-lowering drugs, and being socially active.
Roseto was the only extensive populous who followed the exact opposite diet the rest of the continent was put on.
They had no carbs at many eggs, meat, lard, lots of fats (41% of their diet was fat), and salt. Yet, as Roseto ate this diet, not one person was diagnosed with heart disease.
What is interesting too is the mental and other health aspects of this diet to fight against the mental health crisis:
- No drug addiction
- No alcoholism
- Not a single person committed suicide.
- No one developed a peptic ulcer.
- Very little crime
Mental Health Crises
Float Therapy Benefits for the mental health crises other than being socially active.
It does go a bit beyond just Roseto’s healthy diet.
It also included other factors the sociologist John Bruhn observed.
Roseto’s was filled with primary immigrants from Italy that were always very social people.
The town worked together in unity in that society, being very socially active.
It was customary to have three generations living under one roof.
People would take the time to talk to their neighbours and anyone else they had seen throughout their daily active lives.
Often many would gather in backyards and cook for one another.
Then, together with every Sunday, they would gather at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. John Bruhn had witnessed this calming and unifying effect from the Church.
Healthy Diet Equals Healthy Mind
He totalled 22 various civic organizations in just two hundred people.
The townspeople on the society’s particular egalitarian ethos discouraged the wealthy from bolstering their success and aided the unsuccessful from their failures.
Transferring southern Italy’s peasant society to eastern Pennsylvania, the Rosetans created a healthy, caring social structure that efficiently insulated them from the modern world’s many difficulties to combat the mental health crisis.
The Rosetans were healthy because of the society they created for their organization in the hills of Pennsylvania.
These Italian Immigrants lived beyond the norms of their time and ended up being the healthiest of the entire continent of North America.
We would have a physically, mentally, and spiritually healthier society if we went back to actual human interaction and other minor changes like a more nutritious diet.
Drinking more water and reading more books, human-to-human everyday interactions like people were developed.
We are not species designed to live in isolation, which causes mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
It leads to illness and suicide, whether you look throughout history or whatever prison you go to.
Mental health crisis adds to isolation, and isolation leads to depression, anxiety, delusions and other serious health effects.