A New Wave of Serial Killers is Expected
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The golden age of serial killers started in 1970 and would last until 1999.
Many would become famous for the worst reasons giving Hollywood-like status to people like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, The Golden State Killer, the unsolved Zodiac Killer and many more.
Statistically, the average serial killer will kill for the first time at 28-years-old, but they begin to fantasize as early as five.
The age range for fantasy thinking is between 5 and 14 years old.
A New Wave of Serial Killers is Expected
The Golden age was a generation that gave birth to 82 percent of serial killers in America in the 20th century.
The Golden Age of serial killers primarily grew up in the 1940s and 50s.
To understand what gave rise to so many serial killers, it’s essential to see the culture they were being brought up in, their environment, and who their dads were.
Two horrific events caused many environmental issues, such as The Great Depression, which took many jobs.
What Caused The Serial Killer Epidemic?
World War II traumatized a generation of fathers, which caused many broken families. There was also a culture that gave rise to what the feminists would call “rape culture.” The Great Depression causes were due by the 1929 great depression.
You can also find similarities of these causes in other periods, like the serial killers in the later 19th century with people like Jack the Ripper.
In most recent years, there has been a decline in homicides and serial killings. However, now that there has been war continually going on since September 11, 2001, not only have the fathers been fighting these wars, but the mothers have been as well.
In addition, the devastating market crash of 2008 left millions of families broken and broken.
Many people go bankrupt, are forced out of their homes, and live-in motels and hotel rooms.
As a result, mental health issues across the board rose exponentially.
With Covid isolating people worldwide, leaving many businesses and people bankrupt, it’s the perfect storm for the subsequent rise in serial killing psychopaths.
In the next 15 to 20 years, the generation of children growing up in these conditions will be 28 years old, and to follow the patterns of history which lead to the first wave of serial killers, this is the perfect storm to start the next wave of killers.
But, of course, people don’t just become serial killers, and doctors know that behavioural issues found in adults almost always stem from traumas in childhood.
Are Serial Killers Born or Made?
Whether the person robs people, becomes a serial killer, or is a drug user results from a broken home that produces broken children who grow up to be broken adults.
Trauma in childhood affects everyone differently with similar symptoms.
In addition, a trauma in childhood affects adulthood.
This new wave of serial killers is to minimize the trauma these children may be exposed to.
Environmental stability, good parenting, happy childhoods, and empathy dramatically reduce the chances of trauma in children.
The ones who have a rough upbringing are the most likely to be the violent and less empathetic type.
It doesn’t mean those violent kids will become killers.
Serial killers are people.
They are our neighbours, and our schoolteachers, parents, husbands, wives, serial killers are you and me.
They grow up in a poor environment in broken homes, most likely with abusive parents.
We can minimize the new wave of serial killers to show our children empathy and happiness and keep them as stable and at home as possible, and counselling is your friend.