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By Matthew Dahrouge.
New year, new me.
Now is when everyone is reminded to reflect on last year’s endeavours and set goals for a new personal progression timeline.
Many of us have already broken our new vows, albeit two weeks in.
So what is it about the new year that excites us for change, and what happens when we lose that motivation?
For some people, self-motivationis as easy as whistling your favourite tune, and for others, it is a constant struggle.
I’ve always found myself in the latter category, and I still have no hope of learning to whistle.
I have come across many outlooks from people about setting their personal goals.
Some have thrown out the idea altogether, saying, “well, it’s time for that ‘New Year! New Me’ bullshit”.
But, simultaneously, others have shown great strength and determination with their goals and are staying committed. Good on those folk!
It’s all about endings and beginnings and our tradition of the two being applied to our lives’ timelines we call years.
When we think about something “ending,” we usually look back at what got us to that point.
Reflect, and analyze the path that led to this destination.
And when we think about a new “Beginning,” we can expect to learn from the last similar subjective experience we had and apply new strategies and outlooks to achieve a new goal.
These imply an expected result, plan or route of action and a timeline.
Timeline. Three weeks ago, I found myself quite perplexed about my goals and aspirations in the upcoming new year.
Then I thought, why should I set a goal or a resolution.
Either way, I knew that I would not be capable of keeping my oath of self-improvement with my mindset the way it was.
The holidays can be stressful for some, and with the coming of the new year, many people are looking forward to their expected experience of success, adventure, learning, or whatever it may be.
But here is where I have a problem with this particular action of expectation: the number we assign to a year will bring us great things?
Well, let us get real.
Just because the date changes does not mean your resolve will.
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Don’t get me wrong, and sometimes people need what they call a new leaf, a feeling like “something is different this time because things have changed.”
And the new year brings this feeling to many people, not to mention the countless people around you who have similar goals and determinations that you can look to for support.
But if you’re looking for a situational circumstance to feed your motivation, you will fail, and let us face it, if you didn’t have the reason to make the change last year, you didn’t want it.
So a new year isn’t going to make a difference unless you do.
Many of us won’t succeed because we aren’t ready for change.
“I’m going to” VS. “I am.”
Are you ready for a change?
Timelines are essential when setting goals, but putting one before making progress is an instant failure.
When we say “I’m going to,” it means I’m not ready.
I’ll procrastinate a bit longer.
This idea of a perfect future will never come unless we make moves every day.
And in reality, there is no perfect future. You could be the best dad, skateboarder, mathematician, or hockey player.
But guess what? There is always room for improvement.
“I’m going to” leads to your dreams always being in the future with no beginning, and you will only show resentment, disappointment, and anger when the day comes and nothing is what you expected it to be.
So, are you ready for a change?
If you said yes, you have already started on your way to fulfilling your desires.
“I AM” is powerful, way more potent than the wanting of a prospect.
Saying “I AM” actually puts you on the path to success.
Saying “I AM” puts your goals in the present tense, and the present is the only place you have any “REAL POWER” cause you can’t change the past or the future.
I know how that sounds, and many of you are thinking,
“Of course, you can change the future,” well, think again.
The only thing that will change the future is what you are doing right now.
That means you got to get off your ass and do the deeds to make the difference.
The future won’t fall into place by reading a book, thinking about how awesome you’ll look in your swimwear, or liking a Facebook page, and these are all just dreams. Clicking “like” doesn’t make a difference (besides supporting the post).
The person on the other end writes the posts, donates the money, organizes the events, and makes the idea a reality.
“I AM,” says I’m worth it, I deserve it, I know it, I love it, and I can do anything!
“I AM” gives you the power to take what you want or be that better person to yourself and those around you.
When? Only you can decide when the time is right to challenge your goals.
A new year only brings the hype, and you need to get the motivation and passion for success.
Success will come when you want the outcome terrible enough that you are willing to suffer your way to the end.