Psychology of Time
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What do we know about it?
Who controls it?
We know we’re here for a good time, but not a long while… so we pretty much have that figured out.
It is more of a character trait in its most tangible form.
It is also synced to every technological device known to man, and everybody checks these devices every five minutes.
Does time belong to us or to whoever controls the clocks?
I know that it is often looked at and less often discussed.
Also, it is changing throughout our existence.
Einstein has shown us that time can be relevant or irrelevant through complex mathematical equations and theories depending on perception or lack thereof.
Time can be long, short, good, bad and time can be changed and measured in various ways.
It all depends on how a person looks at it at any given time.
Can I trade my time for yours? I’ll even pay you double.
From generation to generation and from culture to culture, it has been defined and used differently.
It has been passed on in variances from drawings to sundials to clocks to electronics.
It can be broken down from Planck to a millennium to whatever our crazy human minds can come up with.
So, likewise, orientation can move through time from the past, to the present and into the future.
It got past on and carried over in more ways than I have time to list.
Time is an Allusion
Let’s relate it to a span of over 25 years.
The clock can start with one second, and after a while, it will account for one minute.
One hour will go by after sixty minutes have passed.
Twenty-four hours will have to pass to be considered one day.
Seven days will go by to reach a week.
Therefore, 365.26 days will pass before a year is accounted for.
Finally, 25 of those years will have passed to be considered a 25-year life span.
No rocket science here, but that is how she goes.
People can use time more efficiently in different ways depending on who they are.
Please find the best way to use and one’s most productive hours.
This is different for everyone. As soon as it becomes past tense, all you are left with is the present.
One may say, what about the future? Hopefully, the end will come, but it reacts to your current choices.
To create a better future for ourselves, it is crucial to learn from the past and bring it to the present and future.
Knowledge can be as simple as bringing a memory or a learning experience to “the now.”
Right now, you’re reading this (that is now in the past).
This is the present, and if you keep reading, you will see what the future of this blog has in store. Keep in mind the different orientations of it… maybe prioritize all or some of the exposures.
What’s so finite about our experience here?
Our time may be limited, but think about how much you impact the world around you.
It is too easy to think you’re small in this world, but in actuality, every person is here for a reason, and you influence everyone around you. So in that way, you are timeless.
Your touch within others will live forever, and the lessons taught and the companionship you give will last forever.
Time is precious, so use it wisely.

Cool. I especially like your line:
” Future will come, hopefully, but it is a reaction to your present choices.’
Will have to read more when I find the “time”!