Top 5 Psychedelics for Therapy Use
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The most significant human error in the last half-century was making psychedelics illegal.
It’s the most profound mistake to criminalize it. Instead, it should be cherished, as ancient cultures did.
It provided a context where people could do it with wisdom rather than look down and imprison one another for it.
Top 5 Psychedelics for Therapy Use
They shouldn’t fall into the same class with harmful addictive substances, such as cocaine/crack, methamphetamines, heroin, etc.
It’s pathetic that the two worst drugs (alcohol and cigarettes) are legal, which cause more addiction, diseases, and death than all other illegal drugs combined.
The abused pharmaceuticals cause an astronomical number of addicts and end to the masses.
These psychedelics should be put above all, pushed to the top of the class, into their owners. Entheogens have been used as healers for thousands of years and opened the psyche into other dimensional ways of looking at everything.
We have been using these psychedelics to cure people’s addictions, depression, anxieties, and many other diseases.
In clinical control clinics, they’ve been showing mind-blowing positive results with these alternative medicines, from curing heroin addiction with no withdrawal symptoms to helping severe autistic adults integrate into social settings.
Psychedelics Open the Spiritual Dimension
Absolutely in no way should a psychedelic be taken without proper intent, a legitimate setting. You should be a healer; as the late great Terrence McKenna warns, you should have a “babysitter,” someone who doesn’t take the med that stays in this reality.
It opens up spiritual dimensions where good spirits help guide oneself. Still, it also opens up a realm where a bolus spirit has extreme potential to get in and haunt oneself, and you can go crazy.
These preternatural medicines also can restore the sane back into the insane.
There are shamans from many jungles, and or maybe could be your next store neighbour, throughout this world that knows the harm we in this schizophrenic society are causing.
With their help of using entheogens properly, we can change our daily living style for the better forever.
Psychedelics are said to be 30 years of psychotherapy in one night.
These ego dissolving substances show you one can heal themselves within.

Psilocybin naturally occurs and is a chemical compound produced by more than 200 mushrooms, generally known as psilocybin mushrooms. It’s a psychedelic compound that seems out of this world.
A mushroom spore is the only thing that can survive up in outer space; plausible this ancient teacher could have come from another planet, galaxy or who knows, maybe even another universe.
There are more toxins found in your caffeinated coffee than in psilocybin mushrooms.
Studies have proven that psilocybin slows down areas of the brain overactive in those with depression.
Thus, it forces the user to deal with and overcome the ailment.
Other studies show 80% of people’s well-being and life satisfaction had been restored, and 30% of overall patience said it was the most critical experience!
It’s also been shown to cure anxiety, cluster headaches and opiate, and smoking addictions while promoting neurogenesis (the regrowth of brain cells).
So people can go down to Mexico right now and have a psilocybin experience through a shaman or a controlled clinical atmosphere with a psychotherapist in Europe.
How LSD killed my Ego and Why I Now See the World Differently.
2. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
LSD was first synthesized from ergot by Albert Hoffman on November 16, 1938. Little did this Swiss scientist know at the time; he would expand the minds of hundreds of thousands after his first use.
Acid replicates serotonin in the brain. The brain’s serotonin receptors fit this chemical perfectly like a lock-and-key. We wouldn’t have the western medicines we have today (or at least not as fast as we did) if it wasn’t for this beautiful psychedelic.
We have two very separate distinct networks working in mind in our awakened state. For example, one can solve mathematical equations and allow you to be introspective, like how you think about yourself.
LSD drops the barriers between the two networks, overriding them to create new connections, which the conscious mind cannot make independently.
One study by the United States government back in the sixties — took a group of scientists to solve 48 physics, math and architectural problems that they couldn’t solve beforehand.
After they dropped some acid, they solved 44 of those problems.
It’s been able to cure addictions and anxiety, restore sanity within the insane, show drastic improvements within autistic adults with intense social pressure, and cure depression.
Even the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), Dr. Bill Wilson, cured his severe depression using LSD.
He would get kicked out of his organization by making it the 13th step in the 12 step program. And yet, it remains a highly illegal substance worldwide.

3. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
DMT Protects the Brain and Immune Cells Against Stress
Ten thousand years of information in 15 minutes has been described as. It’s the “businessman psychedelic.”
You can go out on a lunch break and do it, and you are good to go afterwards.
It blasts you into the center of the universe, shows you love from higher intelligence, and when your back words can’t describe the infinite wonders expressed through the experience.
It can and does offer you anything and everything you want and more.
DMT is the spirit molecule. It’s found in every living organism on Earth, including our pineal gland located in the brain. It’s produced when we dream (a study done last year proved this in mice) and throughout the body.
Individual plants and animals produce high amounts of this substance and can be easily synthesized.
Some of these plant species have been praised worldwide since paintings were found on cave walls, the lotus flower in ancient Egypt, and the acacia burning bush when Moses talked to God to receive the ten commandments.
It’s a simple molecule, even less complicated than water.
DMT’s potential is infinite, and it can change the way a person views their world forever after.
Rick Strassman showed in studies that it could induce an intense spiritual experience, the subjects communicated with higher intelligence.
For lack of a better term, it will bring you to heaven, but user beware, where there’s heaven, there is hell, and the trip can quickly get you down to its fiery depths.
4. Ayahuasca
It’s been used by Amazonian shamans for many thousands of years—one of if not the most potent hallucinogens found on the planet.
When someone has a disease, they see the shaman for a healing ayahuasca experience, used by kids to the elderly.
They say you don’t find the spirit vine, and the spirit vine finds you when the time is right.
DMT is the active ingredient found within this lovely vine.
This potent brew is made from the ayahuasca vine and the leaves of the Chacruna tree. These leaves are a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), so the DMT can bypass digestion and send the user into a 6-8 hour spiritual journey.
But, part of the ritual involves purging, so be prepared to puke and shit your guts out.
This hard-core brew increases serotonin – the chemical that regulates happiness to cure anything from addiction to cancer, but some never come back. They die an ayahuasca death.
5. ibogaine
“There’s nothing like the transparency of Iboga, and it’s not comparable to fucking anything!
It’s the ruthless inner voice of truth, and Iboga is uncomfortable; it’s not fun.
But, that access to truth is un-parallel.” Explains the shaman Aubrey Marcus
Ibogaine drug comes from what’s referred to as the tree of spirits and knowledge.
The Bobongo Pygmies first discovered the shrub’s root in Southern Gabon, Africa. The oral and ceremonial tradition and working skills with the plant, Iboga, is called the Bwiti.
The Bwiti have mastered the spiritual practice of working with the hypnotic plant over the past 1000’s years. Its ceremonial use leads to mystical encounters with ancestors and intellectual introspection into psychological and emotional concerns.
Ibogaine effects have been and continue to be used by shamans for Anti-herpes. Hepatitis A, B, and C treat infertility in women and erectile difficulties in men, treatment of ‘Fibromyalgia,’ treat’s lupus, mental illness, addiction without with-drawl symptoms.
It’s legal in places like Canada, Mexico, businesses in the U.K., and others. Make sure you have no heart complications or blood pressure issues if you choose to use it. Otherwise, you could die.