
The Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

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They are a non-profit research and educational organization that creates legal, medical, and cultural settings for people to benefit from the careful use of psychedelics and marijuana.

Psychedelics (serotonergic hallucinogens) are powerful psychoactive substances that alter perception and mood and affect numerous cognitive processes.

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

They are generally considered physiologically safe and do not lead to dependence or addiction.

MAPS has been doing God-like work for the past 35 years since its birth, the same year I was born in 1986.

It is the brainchild of Rick Doblin.

Over the 35 years, they have had extraordinary accomplishments like training therapists and creating a treatment center chain.

They have been supporting scientific research into neuroscience, creativity and spirituality.

They’ve developed psychedelics and marijuana into prescription medication and are great at educating the public about the benefits and risks of pot and psychedelics.

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies works from 4 core essentials which are:

  • Transparency — Knowledge is given clearly in an open-source style. Communications are honest, respectful, and direct.
  • Passion and Perseverance — They persevere in the face of any challenge. They have an insight into their valued work and understand that it is a long-term endeavour.
  • Intelligent Risk — Their judgments are acquainted by severe research. They are always trying new things and always learn from their mistakes.
  • Trust and Accountability — They have sincerity and faith and encompass only the highest standards.

MAPS History

From the time MAPS started in 1986 until 2015, they have raised over $20 million towards creating psychedelics and marijuana into prescription meds.

That money also goes towards education by educating the public about the positives and negatives of weed and psychedelics.

But unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies refuse to work with them, demonizing such helpful medicines as they are only taken a few times and cannot be patented.

Psychedelics are non-addictive and have more positive benefits than negatives, and there is yet to be a person to overdose and die on any psychedelic.

So instead, MAPS works through donations by people with similar visions who would like to see psychedelics as pharmaceuticals to cure everything from anxiety to addiction.

Recently the Canadian government invested $20 million towards research into psychedelics for mental health issues.

MAPS Non-Profit 

People who choose to donate money and a church will usually ask you to tithe 10% of your income.

I agree if people are working, they should contribute 10% of their profits.

Most people will carelessly spend far more than 10% of their income, and some may even pay 10% or more of their income on things like Star Bucks or Tim Hortons.

By donating 10%, one can help make a severe helpful change in other people’s lives, communities, provinces/states, and countries.

I’m not saying it’s terrible to tithe 10% to a church because they do a lot of humane work worldwide.

Suppose you feel you can make a more meaningful change that means more to you than tithing to a church.

In that case, you may want to consider a different type of non-profit, perhaps a direct donation to a local food bank and or shelter, and you could buy homeless people’s clothes.

There are thousands of ways to make a meaningful and helpful change in people’s lives.

The finance guy at my church was a former drug addict, and now he is a very successful businessman.

He says if you tithe 10% or any amount of money, God will give you that money back by at least double sometime soon after that tithing.

Build MAPS

He frequently challenges people to tithe regularly, and if that money you share doesn’t come back by at least double quickly after, he gives you double the money.

It may be a year challenge, but I may be wrong.

So don’t quote me on “double your money back” about a year since I heard him give that speech.

The point of donating isn’t to contribute to what you get back.

It should only be done having the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone.

The church I frequent has about 100 churches in 16 countries.

A couple of Sundays ago, they unveiled the plan they’ve been teasing about for years.

They had finally generated enough money somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3.5 million dollars to build this massive new church.

They most likely won’t want me saying the name of the church, and maybe I won’t be allowed in after they read this, but I can always watch online if I had to.

This church will start moving dirt to build a nearly $12 million building over the next few years. Is it essential?

The people who have given millions of dollars so far have been convinced that may be a side effect of brainwashing, or they are genuinely passionate about God as God may have saved their lives somewhere down their life path.

MAPS and Mental Health

I see more of my money going towards causes like MAPS.

MAPS is about to be a part of turning the mental health industry upside down to help cure millions of people’s lives.

Psychedelics are the foundation of religion, and they’re literally would be no churches today if it wasn’t for psychedelics.

Psychedelics can induce a spiritual experience where most people studying decades later will still claim that psychedelics that influenced their spiritual understanding was one of if not the most meaningful experiences of their lives.

People could go to church, some bored to death, and never have a spiritual experience.

Jesus wasn’t born to a virgin but most likely came from an ergot trip or what we know today as an LSD trip. You can produce ergot from bread mould.

In my experience over the years, I have donated to my local food banks and shelters and do things like buying Christmas presents for kids for the women’s shelter.

I have, of course, been donating to MAPS since 2013.

Donate to MAPS Now

I plan to donate the first $50,000 raised through Kickstarter over the Summer for my book on psychedelics and how they helped me throughout my adult life.

I also touch on how it can be used in religion, rehab and prisons and how doctors and shamans use it as a medicine.

I will be donating 10% of profits to MAPS and education after that. One time I did LSD and was convinced God is a woman.

Become a Volunteer Like I am for MAPS. CLICK THIS LINK.

Donate HERE to MAPS Today.

Get Some Merchandise HERE at the MAPS store. Like one of the many books I have bought there based on the science of Pscydlics. My favourite is Sasha Shoulgins: Pikal and Tikal.

“By giving to MAPS, I’m investing in the future of modern medicine. I know I can help make it a matter of ‘when’ without any ‘if’s in there. I follow MAPS on Twitter too.” – Karl, MAPS Supporter.

Dean Mathers


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