The 8 Types of Intelligences
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I learned that not everyone thought scientifically and logically in my intro psychology class.
I don’t remember a time I haven’t thought logically and scientifically.
The textbook explained how to think more scientifically and logically, and I believe that section was named “Think Like a Scientist.”
The 8 Types of Intelligence
Not all people do not think in the same ways, but there are also multiple intelligence types.
There are 8 different types of intelligence, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic.
Thus, there are many types of intelligence, and just because a person might not have a high IQ, they most likely excel in many other areas.
The following descriptions are based on Howard Gardener’s theory of intelligence.
Verbal-linguistic learners like reading and writing, and they enjoy playing games like crossword puzzles.
Logical-mathematical Intelligence
They have a good memory for dates, names, and places and have highly developed auditory skills.
They are good at getting their point across and are great storytellers.
Linguistic learners learn the best through saying and hearing words.
Writers and people who have to talk a lot for their jobs, such as teachers, most likely have higher verbal-linguistic intelligence.
Logical-mathematical Intelligence usually thinks scientifically.
People who are logical-mathematical enjoy exploring relationships and patterns.
They ask questions, prefer to experiment with stuff you don’t comprehend, and like well-organized tasks.
They use logical reasoning to solve problems, and of course, they like to work with numbers.
The majority of scientists’ dominant intelligence is logical-mathematical.

Multiple Intelligence
Musical intelligence allows people to communicate, create, and get meaning from sound.
People with musical intelligence dominance have a keen ear to hear, recognize, and develop rhythm, tone, pitch, and timbre.
People with this type of intelligence make good musicians, singers, DJs, and composers like Beethoven.
Spatial intelligent people recognize and manipulate a considerable space’s patterns and more concentrated smaller areas.
Spatial Intelligence makes great surgeons, architects, sculptors, chess players and graphic artists.
Students who like to create mind maps and “web” their ideas before starting a paper and fill blank spaces throughout their notes and textbooks with intricate patterns utilize their spatial intelligence.
Kinesthetic learners use the sensations of their bodies to collect and store information.
They have excellent coordination and balance; they work well with their hands. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligent people make good dancers, swimmers, gymnasts, mechanics, and carpenters.
Intrapersonal learners are deeply intertwined and recognize their feelings, strengths, and weaknesses.
Multiple Learning Styles
They enjoy being independent, creative, aware of themselves, and reflective.
They are highly motivated and determined, and they usually exude self-confidence.
They typically have strong opinions when sensitive topics are discussed. Thus, intrapersonal intelligence usually becomes philosophers, psychologists, and or entrepreneurs.
Interpersonal learners can make distinctions about other people’s intentions and feelings.
They are people, have many friends, and enjoy talking to others and being around people.
They are very good at being empathetic.
They make great teachers, salesmen, counsellors, and community organizers.
Naturalistic learners are tuned with nature the enjoy the outdoors in terms of animals, conservation, geography, etc.
They have a good sense of patterns and are good at categorization.
Naturalistic intelligent people learn best by studying natural wonder in a natural setting, and they enjoy learning about how things work.
They excel in astronomy, meteorology, paleontology, botany, geology, and any other field involved in nature.