The Collapse of the Oilfield
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The oilfield’s collapse has happened repeatedly, like the year I was born in 1986.
After graduating high school, I would start work full-time in the oilfield.
The school didn’t provide me with proper life skills to battle everyday, real-life grown-up situations.
The most concerning would be innovative financing, and I never learned things like how to budget appropriately in school.
I got caught in the same way everyone has since the start of those institutions.
It didn’t work for me, and not everyone learns the same way.
It wasn’t very effective and isn’t for a lot of people. However, I haven’t lost total hope in our education system yet.
I got some friends who are and will be teachers in grade school.
So soon, I will be sitting in on some of their classes to see the different teaching methods being utilized today in classrooms.
My one friend teaches a grade 5 class, and the kids she teaches are so advanced it’s incredible.
I’ve seen the website they work on; amazingly, young kids are getting the opportunity to learn that type of technology.
Teachers like her give me faith and massive confidence in the necessary changes today to shape a better education system for the future.
During the first year in the “Real World,” I tried three different jobs within the oilfield.
Finally, on the 4th attempt, I stuck with one. I started working a part-time job at the age of 14.
Until I got a full-time job, I had an entirely different opinion of taxes and government.
Making more money meant I lost more money.
On average, I would lose 33% of my income to taxes for the three years.

Oilfield and Taxes
A significant percentage of the money is well earned going to the government, but cash is also lost in GST on goods and services.
So, in reality, you might also account for almost half of your earnings going to a government that isn’t working.
By age 21, I would learn something exciting, and I got a new job to see my income triple and get into the 6 figure a year.
I would see my taxes drop to around 16% of my income now that I owned my own company.
I just employed myself, and my taxes dropped in half.
I now see that it isn’t fair to anyone who pays way more in lower tax brackets.
I’m not sure how to fix a government that doesn’t and doesn’t work provincially and federally.
The oilfield makes it too easy to make a substantial amount of money, which for some reason, mostly ends up back into the economy.
When most aren’t taught how to budget correctly, spending more than a substantial amount is easy.
For example, a person with zero experience in the oilfield can work on the rigs and start at a 6-figure a year salary.
Most people, though, end up in some debt in one form or another.
Our provincial government is even in debt.
Right now, it’s in the billions. But unfortunately, it doesn’t help all of Canada is too.
Not only Canada, but only 5 out of 188 countries aren’t in debt.
With the rise of currencies like Bitcoin, I see a future where money becomes obsolete or a currency changes altogether.
We’ve got to the point where we need to find a new, more efficient currency form or eliminate it.
But, for now, too much greed drives the evil forces that kill the planet that we know as the significant and all-mighty oilfield.
Working in the oil sands, I’ve seen firsthand how fast they can demolish our beautiful boreal forests.
Days, acres upon acres are being demolished to drill wells and make roads to check these wells for pipelines, metering stations, and many facilities.
Oilfield’s Harsh Reality
I’ve seen many animals being driven out of their homes, such as; lynx, black bears, deer, muskrats, wolves many types of birds, such as a family of great grey owls.
Yet, I haven’t seen any of these companies planting trees to replace their destruction.
Although they claim they are, I’ve even seen 20 plus years old areas that haven’t grown any trees back.
Not to mention the amount of pollution these companies cause every year.
These extensive facilities emit alarming amounts of harmful radiation.
I missed a year of hockey due to asthma when I was young.
Thankfully, I was only on a puffer for a few years caused of the oilfield’s airborne chemicals.
Many animals and people become ill due to pollutants in the air and water supplies.
When a well is drilled or fracked (Fracking is where they blow up the excellent formation with high-pressure water and dangerous chemicals, blowing up the earth from the inside.), they use 3-5 million gallons of fresh water per well; non of this freshwater is recovered.
Many of these companies are American, Asian and middle-eastern; Canadian companies don’t care about the harm caused to the earth or people, so why would these foreign companies?
It’s time to rise and focus more on alternative energy such as wind, solar and even nuclear, which is less harmful with less waste.
Poking holes, blowing up the earth, and killing ourselves are what I call “Insanity.”
These rich, useless, money-hungry fuck heads running this mess have to be stopped.
There are a lot more of us than there are of them.
As a society, we have the power to stop this, we only get one earth, and I want to see it survive.
Otherwise, the earth will cleanse itself of this disease; this growth we have created called the oilfield has to be stopped.
In short, we are in and entering a higher level of consciousness.
Doing things like we always have in the past aren’t working anymore and hasn’t for a long time.
We are in the information age, almost making it impossible to hide the truth of what is happening around us daily.
Sometimes we must put down this technology, turn off our TVs, park our cars and enjoy this beautiful earth.
Mother Earth is sick, and we caused this, but we have the power to heal this as well.
As a society, we have the power to make the necessary changes to help fix these problems.
We can all make a difference.
No matter how big or small, don’t ever underestimate yourself.
It starts with being aware and not accepting what’s not right anymore.
Only do and accept things that are helpful for people, living species and the world.
Call me hopeful, but I see a great future ahead where significant changes are made, and we live in a harmless utopia as a society.
I don’t see myself leaving this earth as the same dark place when I first entered it.
Everyone is capable of shaping their positive destiny.
Always keep an open mind, imagination and dreams often.