
The Best Ideas are Trapped in Books

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You’re a speck of space dust that, by the sheer luck of God’s dick, landed you here on this rock that is hurling you comfortably through the fabric of the cosmos. Look within to find that glowing light and pass that positive vibration through you onto your neighbour. Like it or not, we are the same.

We are the result of 4.6 billion years of evolution that consciousness created in the form of human beings. So start to look at yourself before you open your mouth and judge your fellow man.

The Best Ideas are Trapped in Books

Put down the iPhone, the iPad, the iMac, the Mac books, let your technology go, and have some human-to-human interaction.

Speaking of technology:

Facebook is a mirror, exposing the shitheads that you are.

To get pissed off and spew hatred towards other people’s ideologies that you have no understanding of is just a way of not dealing with your self-hatred.

I do not operate on faith, belief, or hope; to me, those things get used as excuses.

I programmed my hardware when I was a kid to question, find answers, waste less time on the problems, and focus more on the solutions.

I won’t, and I don’t, buy your silly fiction about stories once told as teachers in the sky and not on Earth as some human entities.

I’ll pass on the word salad you so loosely blend, as your ingredients have grown old and stale, they are out-of-date, as people don’t use this stuff now, it has went instinct forever ago.

Drown that garbage in a zesty new dressing covering that fowl taste that old word vomit leaves in your big mouth.


You only follow now because you were once told to.

Now you are smart enough to have your thoughts, most likely rational ones that make sense to you.

The world is no longer illiterate. They now know better and can think for themselves.

Yet you still get lost in the sea of the silly group-think ideas, and then you put up with it, year-after-year, month-after-month, day-after-day.

You are bursting at the seams with resentment, but if you pop, you are scared no one will hear you, and those who do, you are scared they won’t care.

The Meaning of Life

Who gives a shit. Life is easy.

Living is not. Stop your people-pleasing ways, and it is just a form of asshole-ry.

When you turn off the light, black, red, yellow, blue, or white are all the same colour. So stop the judgement and fakery.

Become who you are and not what others want you to be.

It is only considered a failure when you quit.

There is always a way, and there are multiple solutions to the puzzle.

Many answers can solve the meaning of life.

The only person who can make you happy and be fully responsible for you can be found in a mirror.

Ignore & Score


Dean Mathers


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